Picture perfect kids rooms can exist
Do your kids' rooms look like this?
Psych Central offers six tips for getting kids to keep those rooms picture perfect:
- Set a good example. It's always the first step in almost anything you try to teach the little buggers. What does your room look like?
- Give them a sense of pride. Let their room feel like their room and make it a place they want to frequent. Let them help pick out furniture and participate in room arrangement and organization.
- Define a clean room.
- Make your bed
- Put laundry in the hamper
- Hang up clothes
- Put toys away
- Vacuum your floor
- Now you're done!
- A place for everything. LABEL LABEL LABEL
- The theory of "get one - give one". If your kid already has more than enough stuff, make a rule of "get a new toy, get rid of an old one". Same with shirts, electronics, video games, etc. It'll keep the clutter down and begin to foster an understanding of charitable giving.
- Do it together. You have to show them. You just can't keep screaming "CLEAN YOUR ROOM" when you walk by. Explain, teach, and model, that's the job.
Sure it can be easier to just do it yourself sometimes, but that isn't teaching your child to be a successful grownup. The process of taking care of your own room is practice for taking care of your own life. It takes the abstract concept of "responsibility" and turn it into something concrete.
The most successful among us know how to take care of people, money, and stuff.
Teach your children well.
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